Green Door Folk School Proposal FormThank you for your interest in being an instructor at the Green Door Folk School. We are always looking for more artisans and craftspeople to share their skills at Green Door. Do you have an idea of a course you’d like to teach at Green Door? Share your thoughts below. We can’t wait to hear your ideas.

Course Proposal Form
First Name
Last Name
Take some time to think about what you would teach. A course description should inform and entice. You want to give potential students a good sense of what they can expect when taking the class. As you compose your course description, address what skills and information students will learn in this workshop and what tools or methods you will use.

Maximum file size: 377.49MB

Preferred Class Duration
Check all that apply.
Preferred Season
Check all that apply.
Green Door Folk School’s inaugural season will focus on bringing attention to and sharing a view into the studios, gardens, apiaries, kitchens, vineyards, orchards, and workshops throughout the region. Until we have a permanent location, we will be housing our courses in our instructors’ favorite spaces. If you do not have a specific space in which to conduct a course, we will work with you to secure an appropriate space.
Instructor pay is commensurate to and based off of the tuition fees collected from students. Please consider space and tool limitations in your estimate.
Please provide a short biography, including you experience relating to this course.
Background Check
The Green Door Folk School strives to be a safe place for everyone. A background check may be required. We will inform you if a background check is necessary. Do you agree to this policy?
Cancellation Policy
We require pre-payment for our courses, closing five days before the workshop starts. If we don’t meet the minimum registration, we’ll cancel the workshop at that time. Is five days sufficient lead time?