The Green Door Folk School requires that all people involved contribute to a respectful and welcoming environment free of discrimination, aggression, and harassment by following these guidelines:
1. Be considerate and respectful.
Refrain from disrespectful behavior. When asked to stop, do so. Resolve disagreements calmly and with compassion, or step away. Any aggressive, intimidating, sexual, or abusive actions, confrontations, communications, or gestures are strictly prohibited.
2. Support all members of our community.
There is no tolerance at the Green Door Folk School for racist, homophobic, or bigoted language and behavior. Any speech or behavior that belittles or demeans any individual on the basis of ethnicity, religion, skin color or racial identity, gender identity, sexuality, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, or any other protected status is strictly prohibited.
3. Create or contribute to a healthy, noncompetitive learning environment.
A breach of the above Code of Conduct occurring in the context of any Green Door Folk School activities, platforms, programs, and services may result in removal from the space, permanent ban, or further actions. Green Door Folk School reserves the right to immediately remove from the premises anyone who is perceived to be creating an unsafe or harmful environment. This includes the right of Green Door Folk School staff and instructors to remove program participants at any time, with no refund, course make-up, or other compensation provided.
Behaviors listed in this Code of Conduct are not exhaustive, and any inappropriate behaviors remain subject to consequences. Anyone affected by or witnessing a perceived Code of Conduct infraction may report the incident to Green Door Folk School staff. If any conflicts arise, please contact the Green Door Folk School staff, who will determine how best to diffuse a situation and offer specialized guidance.